Sheila Murray


  • Education:

    Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

  • Disciplines:


  • On the day Sheila became a founding partner nearly 30 years ago, she oversaw a staff of eight architects working out of her apartment. Now a major presence in downtown Chicago with over seventy employees, the constant at Partners by Design is Sheila and her love of working with people. A graduate of Southern Illinois University Carbondale with a degree in Business, her three decades of entrepreneurial management experience are evident in every aspect of her day to day work, as she weaves together all the behind-the-scenes threads into the core fabric of Partners by Design. Sheila keeps a keen focus on human resources, corporate finances, and business operations. She is responsible for recruiting and retaining top talent at PBD. Her skills at truly listening to peoples’ needs is what guides each moving piece to its right place and provides her with the unique perspective of seeing through a client’s eyes how the entire design process comes together.