With their sights set on attracting and retaining the best talent, approached Partners by Design to create their new home as a bright, open space with a working environment reflective of collaboration and engagement. The resulting space is flooded in natural light and provides transparency and accessibility, enhancing the connections between people and departments.

Corporate culture was essential to this project. As the first ‘.com’ in Chicago, wanted the design to reflect the next phase of this established company’s journey. Focusing on creating a visually stimulating and dynamic space, PBD designed purposeful, multifunctional areas as well as thoughtful paths throughout the space. A single lunchroom, for instance, not only provides a common area for meals but also holds all-staff meetings and external tech meet-ups. Additionally, individual workspace flexibility was provided with sit-to-stand desks as well as private spaces placed throughout for quiet, focused tasks.

Branding by Spark. Photography by Tom Harris Photography.

  • Square Feet: : 159,000

  • Location:: Chicago

  • Industry:: Corporate