Confidential Client | Health Manufacturer


Taking full advantage of its new location, this infant formula manufacturer’s headquarters brings the aesthetic of the outside in. Situated at 444 West Lake with proximity to the Chicago River, the layout was influenced by the architecture of the building along with the river’s natural bordering edge. Melding the client’s desire for natural design with the need to express their unique corporate culture, Partners by Design created organic, 3-dimensional ceiling planes in the elevator lobbies and atrium space. The distinctively flowing planes “reflect” the movement of the water below—carved out like the river’s bank, with no discernible edges. The mass of materials within a large void of space evokes a sense of movement as visitors traverse the office, while the overhead planes ebb and flow to reinforce the sense of fluid motion from the river below. A connecting stair became the impetus for the entire project design: creating a 2-story atrium space promotes social engagement throughout the workspace, while the atrium unifies the reception, coffee bar, town center, and connecting stair within a single envelope. Partners by Design crafted custom wallcoverings, signage, and display walls to communicate the company’s brand, and through the detailed use of materials, lighting, glass, and branded art, they created a space that mirrors both company’s culture and the dynamic fluidity of their surroundings.

Environmental Branding by Spark / Photography by Tom Harris



  • Square Feet: 62,000

  • Location: Chicago, IL

  • Industry: Health

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