CCC Intelligent Solutions


CCC Intelligent Solution’s new headquarters was designed to support the tech leader’s growth and foster the company’s strong culture of innovation and collaboration. The space includes an eye-catching radiused stairwell that connects the ninth-floor reception space to the eighth-floor town hall and customer experience area. On the eighth floor, visibility into the NXT lab provides a view into the technology that helps to power CCC’s advanced AI solutions, and open work areas lend a neighborhood vibe to the space. CCC’s customer experience area features a collaborative lounge space, breakout niches and booths, lit branding, and wood wall and ceiling coverings.

Delivering 140,000+ seamlessly across 3 floors was no easy feat, however, our architectural design team focuses on a layering of pathways that intersect, connect, and guide users throughout CCC’s three floors. The space embodies a level of fluidity with open office environments that encourage collaboration across teams and access to technology – all with an intent to promote innovation.

These intended pathways were further enforced by various finish transitions, flooring being a key design feature. Wood and concrete flooring are used in circulation, cueing people to their intended destinations. Along the main circulation pathways are neighborhoods delineated by carpet districts, enforcing a sense of community in each department. Noteworthy areas like chill zones and phone nooks were elevated by implementing bold, colored carpet as an accent. The flooring design approach as a whole is an intuitive way to meander through the space, arrive at your destination, and promote connection.

  • Square Feet: 140,525

  • Location: Chicago, IL

  • Industry: Technology